BY REQUEST – Blind film critic Tommy Edison reviews the movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”. Watch the video to find out how Tommy RATES the movie.
Stars: Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Woodand, Tom Wilkinson
Story: A couple undergo a procedure to erase each other from their memories when their relationship turns sour, but it is only through the process of loss that they discover what they had to begin with.
Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman
Story by Michel Gondry, Charlie Kaufman, Pierre Bismuth
Director: Michel Gondry
Music featured in this video:
ELO: Mr. Blue Sky
BECK: Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometimes
JON BRION: Spotless Mind (original score)
JON BRION: Peer Pressure (original score)
JON BRION: Theme (original score)
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