Best Tastes As A Blind Person – Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, talks about his favorite things to taste. Worst Tastes As A Blind Person – Tommy Edison, …
Tommy talks about his favorite sense and which sense he would give up for sight.
Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, tries to guess the colors of scented candles by their smell.
Best Things To Touch As A Blind Person Worst Things To Touch As A Blind Person
Best Smells To A Blind PersonTommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, talks about his favorite smells. Worst Smells To A Blind PersonTommy Edison, who has been blind since …
Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, takes the challenge of trying to guess the color of nine different Mr. Sketch Scented Markers.
Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, shows us how he experienced VidCon 2013 in Anaheim, California through taste, touch, sound, and smell. VidCon took place August 1 – …
Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth, answers the popular question ‘what do blind people find attractive?’