The Blind Film Critic series features Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, reviewing movies from his point of view. He focuses on what matters to him most and what is arguably the core of most good films – the story, performances, and soundtrack. While cinematography and computer-generated imagery may add to a film’s visual qualities, it is the script that is considered the heart of the movie.
In addition to critiquing films, Tommy uses humor and offers a unique rating system. During his first review, Scream 4, Tommy said, “Sighted people, I think you will really enjoy this movie. Blind people stay home. I’m going to give this 2 out of 4 eyes open!”
The videos are produced and edited by Ben Churchill. Aside from the movie reviews, there are several ‘trailer mashups’ that provide humorous commentary on Hollywood movies.
Watch some of the most popular reviews below.