Shorts & Reels – June 2024

by tommyedison
June 2024 Shorts & Reels

Blind Person “Sees” Movie Motorcycle By Touch

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, visits the Picture Car Warehouse in Los Angeles, CA where Fireball Tim Lawrence shows him the custom motorcycle that appeared in the movie, Priest (2011).

Joe Pantoliano Talks About The Sopranos & His Character Ralph Cifaretto

Tommy Edison talks to actor Joe Pantoliano about his character, Ralph Cifaretto, from The Sopranos.

Blind Person Tries To Identify The Colors of Scented Candles – Round 2

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, attempts to identify the colors of scented candles based on how they smell. Scents include Mango Peach Salsa for yellow, Sage & Citrus for green, and Vanilla Cupcake for white.

Blind Person Tries Drawing A Cat

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, tries to draw a cat.

Would A Blind Person Get Surgery To See? – Born Blind vs Lost Sight – Featuring Christine Ha

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, talks with Christine Ha (winner of MasterChef S3), who lost her sight by age 27, to learn the differences between being born blind and becoming blind later in life. Tommy’s blindness is caused by an underdeveloped optic nerve and Christine’s blindness is caused by a rare autoimmune disease called Neuromyelitis Optica.

Do Blind People See Black?

Tommy, who’s was born blind, responds to the question about what he sees and if he sees black or if he sees nothing.

How Does A Blind Person Perceive Distance & Measurement?

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, talks about how he learned about measurement in school using a Braille ruler, his sense of distance beyond a few feet, and how touch plays a role.

Can A Blind Person Identify A 3D Printed Model Of The White House?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, tries to identify a 3D printed version of a large object that is too big to feel all at once – The White House.

Blind Person Tries To Identify The Colors of Scented Candles – Round 1

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, attempts to identify the colors of scented candles based on how they smell. Scents include Pumpkin Wreath for orange, Red Raspberry for red, and Pink Sands for pink.

Which Movie or TV Character Is Joe Pantoliano Most Recognized For?

Tommy Edison talks to actor Joe Pantoliano about which role fans know him best (The Sopranos, The Matrix, Bad Boys, Goonies, Memento, Risky Business).

Blind Person “Sees” Iconic Movie Car By Touch – Little Miss Sunshine Volkswagen T2 Microbus

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, visits the Picture Car Warehouse in Los Angeles, CA where Fireball Tim Lawrence and Doug Schnetlage show him the yellow Volkswagen T2 Microbus that appeared in the movie, Little Miss Sunshine.

Does A Blind Person Have A Mind’s Eye?

Actor Joe Pantoliano (Bad Boys, The Matrix, The Sopranos) asks Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, if he has a mind’s eye or has the ability to picture an image mentally through his imagination. Tommy sat down with Joe to discuss his movie and TV roles, and his books “Who’s Sorry Now? The True Story of a Stand-Up Guy” and “Asylum: Hollywood Tales from My Great Depression.”

Do Blind People Know Facial Expressions?

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, responds to the question, “Do facial expressions come naturally to someone who’s blind?”

Blind Person Tries Building A House With Lego

Tommy Edison, who’s been blind since birth, tries to make a house out of Lego.

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