Shorts & Reels – September 2024

by tommyedison
Several thumbnails from various shorts and reels appear side by side

Does A Blind Person Experience Claustrophobia?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about if he’s ever experienced feeling claustrophobic in places like an elevator or crowded room.

Things A Blind Person Would Like To See – Part 1

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, shares a list of what he would like to see if he had sight for a day.

Blind Person Tries Describing Gold, Silver, & Bronze

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, tries to describe the colors gold, silver, and bronze.

Photo Credits:
Cool Silver Blonde Highlights” by Stacy Prince licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Presidential Champion Medals” by Frankie Leon licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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