Video Shorts & Reels – January 2024

by tommyedison
Jan 2024 Shorts & Reels

Does A Blind Person Ever Question The Existence of Sight?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about when he started to learn that he’s blind, that other people are sighted, and if he ever wondered if sight was real.

Do Blind People Have Heightened Senses?

Tommy, who was born blind, talks about whether or not people without sight have heightened senses which improve their ability to hear, smell, taste, and touch compared to people with sight.

What’s Attractive To A Blind Person?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about what makes someone attractive to him when he can’t see them.

Blind Person’s Fears

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about some of his greatest fears including fire, electrical shock, the camera, and getting hit by a baseball.

Blind Person Tries To Make Waffles

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, tries to cook waffles for the first time.

Things A Blind Person Wants To See – Part 2

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about some of the things he would like to see if he had sight for a day.

Do Blind People Experience Déjà Vu?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about how he experiences déjà vu using his four senses and how is compares to how blind people dream.

Do Blind People Know When They’re Awake or Asleep?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, responds to the question, “How do blind people know when they’re awake or when they’re asleep?”

Growing Up As A Blind Person

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about his experience growing up without sight, how his parents raised him as a child, and what it was like being the blind brother to three sisters.

Blind Person Tries To Describe Snowflakes

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about his perception of snowflakes.

Can A Blind Person Write Print?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, tries to write his name in print.

How Does A Blind Person Identify Someone?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about how he identifies someone from their voice and personality.

Blind Person Tries To Draw A Bottle

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, tries to draw a beer bottle.

Worst Sounds To A Blind Person

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about the most annoying sounds including the whir of a microwave, a vacuum, a baby crying, dry mouth, and a buzzing fluorescent light.

If A Blind Person Could Get Surgery To See, Would They Do It?

Tommy, who’s been blind since birth, talks about whether or not he would consider getting eye surgery to have sight and what he imagines the experience would be like to see for the first time.

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