Tommy On Other Shows Tommy Edison on “Tosh.0” – Comedy Central by tommyedison January 1, 2018 January 1, 2018 613 Tommy was a guest on Comedy Central’s Tosh.0 on Tuesday, February 21. Daniel Tosh interviewed him about his work as the Blind Film Critic and made predictions about which film would win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Watch Tommy’s segment on YouTube , during the full episode on YouTube, or at Comedy Central’s website. PODCAST HIGHLIGHT: Tommy Talks About Being On Tosh.0 (Feat. Clips & Photos) – Backstage at Tosh.0 Canceled After 12 Seasons You May Also Like Tommy Edison on “Blind Guy Does Bottle Flip”... March 3, 2017 Tommy Edison on “Ethan Fights a Blind Guy”... February 27, 2017 Tommy Edison on ‘Mind Field’ – Vsauce February 22, 2017 Tommy Edison on “YouTubers React” – Fine Bros... September 25, 2016 Tommy Edison in “Not Much To See” –... May 19, 2014 Deon Cole’s Black Box – Tommy Edison July 15, 2013